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Fanbox review 2014 || Fanbox free activation code and payment proof

Approximately 2/3 of the internet users use social networking sites for business as well as for personal use.
Some people think using social networking sites are just wastage of time. People are looking for different earning source in internet.

Here is good news for you all. Now you earn money for being social. Yes you have heard the right. I am not joking even I thought it as a joke but I am 100% confident that it is possible to earn being social and it is given by Fanbox.

What is Fanbox?

Fanbox is a social experiment site where you will be paid for being social. Now it is in alpha version. Soon it is going to change its domain name and will be empower.com. Fanbox allows you to share your feelings and thoughts with your friends and fans throughout the world. Here you can make friends, become fan of them and also you can blog about any topic you want. The most important things about Fanbox is that you getting the opportunity to earn just share and like, isn’t it great?. Your earning will be stored in Fanbox bank. Fanbox pays to its members through chack or Paypal.

Eligibility of joining Fanbox:

Anyone around the globe above the age 18 is eligible for Fanbox. Fanbox is completely free to join.
Due to the overpopulated membership Fanbox has stopped direct registration from its site. To join Fanbox now you need and activation code which you will only get from existing Fanbox member.
If you interested to join in Fanbox then fill up a short form and submit your name, gender and E-mail ID. Your activation code will be mailed to this e-mail ID. You can also request for an activation code in our Facebook Page.

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Benefit you get from Fanbox:

After joining Fanbox you will find a new window of freedom where you can share your thought as well as earn at the same time.
After 30 days of earning you can use your earning for Ads.
After 60days you can use your earning to buy products.
After 90 days when your earning get matured you can redeem it for cash.
You can use either paypal or bank cheque for cash out.

How to earn with Fanbox?

There are lots of way to earn money in Fanbox but the earning varies with the effort you give and the power you have. The earning also varies with the different regions.
 If you become a power user you will get the chance to double your earning.
  1. Sharing beautiful photos and videos(N.B: try not to post any copyrighted photos and adult materials else Fanbox will terminate your account).
  2. Posting blogs in Fanbox. Whenever someone sees your post and get like, comment and reviewed you will be paid.
  3. You can also earn from Ads. What you have to do is ad others post and you get an earning.
  4. If you have friends then you can teach them about anything and earn from your friends. If you have referred someone then you can also earn from it. Fanbox will give you special bonus for that.

Fanbox Payment proof:

Here is payment proof which was got by Mr. S Bhattacharya. He is one of the top most Indian earner in 2013-2014.


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Always Remember, The More You Share More You Will Earn